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Impala SS Dictionary

A dictionary for Impala SS Afficionados

This page comes at the request of many new members who have troubles with the abbreviations, part names, etc. that are used in the FAQ, mailing list, and other locations. In it you will find a hodge-podge of sensor terms, acronyms, slang, and other stuff that I hope will be useful. If you have a term which you feel should be included, let me know and I'll get it in as soon as possible. Thanks.

Impala SS Dictionary Index

[ 1 6 9 A B C D E F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Z ]

Entrys for '1'

Entrys for '6'

Entrys for '9'

Entrys for 'A'

Entrys for 'B'

Entrys for 'C'

Entrys for 'D'

Entrys for 'E'

Entrys for 'F'

Entrys for 'G'

Entrys for 'H'

Entrys for 'I'

Entrys for 'J'

Entrys for 'K'

Entrys for 'M'

Entrys for 'N'

Entrys for 'O'

Entrys for 'P'

Entrys for 'R'

Entrys for 'S'

Entrys for 'T'

Entrys for 'U'

Entrys for 'V'

Entrys for 'W'

Entrys for 'Z'

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Rob Cheek