Caprice Wagon Cabin Filter
Got tired of all the dust and allergens floating thru the car and suffering allergy season ever year.
Picked up a 3’ stick of 12ga. 1 ¼ steel strap and its enough to build the complete assembly.
Used a Fram CA3559 air filter
I.D. of filter bracket is 7 ¾” x 5” which sets inside the steps of the filter
Rubber/Plastic stoppers I used are replacement tips for door stops I got at Lowe's.
Bolt is 2 ½” for the tension
Remove right side cowl
Remove vent cover
You can see all the dust that has already piled up over the years
Fram filter CA3559
Bent filter bracket
Test fit around filter
Bent tension bracket
Welded two 1/4" pins on the tension bracket and drilled matching holes in the filter bracket then on top welded a nut for the tension bolt
Filter bracket, tension bracket and tension bolt before painting.
Test fit
Tension bolt tighten up against firewall
Ground down welds and painted then dropped back into place
Push on tension bracket to clear opening
Once you have set the tension bolt then all you have to do to remove it is to pull the tension bracket to one side and lift out the assembly to change the filter.
Built another one for my 91 Wagon